Friday, April 28, 2017

Pattern Intend to,to(person),from,guess and after doing something

The pattern '-(으)려고 하다' : intend to
The pattern `-(으)려고 하다' is used with verbs(including `있다'). This pattern is used to indicate a subject's intention. However, this pattern is restricted to first and second personal pronouns. The third personal pronoun will be dealt with in detail later.

`려고 하다' is used if the verb stem ends in a vowel.
`-으려고 하다' is used if the verb stem ends in a consonant.

저는 내일 극장에 가려고 해요.I intend to go to the theater.
1달쯤 서울에 있으려고 해요.I intend to be in Seoul for about 1 month.
1시부터 공부하려고 해요.I intend to study from 1 o'clock.
불고기를 먹으려고 해요.I intend to eat bulgogi.

The negation is expressed in the main verb which has `-(으)려고 하다', not with the `하다' verb.
그 책을 안 사려고 해요.I don't intend to buy that book.
(= 그 책을 사지 않으려고 해요.) 

 The marker '-한테' : to (person)
This marker '-한테서' is used for indicating the source or starting point of an action.
누구한테 책을 주었어요?To whom did you give a book?
제 친구한테 주었습니다.I gave it to my friend.
누구한테 편지를 쓰세요?To whom did you write a letter?
안나씨 열쇠는 멜라니씨한테 있어요.Mellanie has Anna's key.
선생님한테 물어 보세요. Please ask the teacher.

The marker '-한테서' : from (person)
This marker '-한테서' is used for indicating the source or starting point of an action. 
누구한테서 그 소식을 들었어요 ?From whom did you hear that news ?
어머니한테서 들었습니다.I heard from my mother.
누구한테서 편지가 왔어요?From whom did you get a letter ?
누구한테서 그 선물을 받았어요?From whom did you receive that present?

Pre-ending '-겠-' : guess/conjecture  
This pre-ending -겠- is used for expressing the speaker's conjecture or supposition or for asking intention of the person spoken to in a polite request.
요즘 많이 바쁘어요.I think you will be busy these days.
저 분은 예뻤어요.I think he/she was beautiful.
뭘 드시어요 ? What will you eat?

The pattern '-(으)ㄴ 다음에' : after doing something
On it's own, the noun '다음' means 'later'. The pattern '-(으)ㄴ 다음에' is used to express 'after something happens' or 'after something happened'. It is used only with verbs.
Tense and negation is expressed in the main verb.

수업이 끝난 다음에 만납시다. Let's meet after class finishes.
친구를 만난 다음에 그 일을 하겠어요. I will do that task(job) after meeting
my friend.
전화를 한 다음에 오세요.Please come over after you call.
저녁식사를 한 다음에 뭘 할까요? After we finish supper, what shall we do?
 However, if the subject of the two clauses (the main clause and the dependent clause which is introduced with this pattern) is the same, this pattern cannot be used with the verbs '가다' (to go) / '오다 '(to come) and their compounds.
내가 집에 간 다음에 공부합니다.(awkward/never used)
내가 학교에 온 다음에 친구를 만납니다. (awkward/never used)

'-ㄷ' Irregular verbs
The final consonant '-드' of the verb stem changes into '-ㄹ' when followed by a vowel, but it does not change when followed by a consonant.
듣다 (to listen):듣 + 어요-> 들어요.
묻다 (to ask):묻 + 어 보다-> 물어 보다.
걷다 (to walk):걷 + 었어요-> 걸었어요.
저는 지금 음악을 들어요.I listen to the music now.
잘 모르면 저한테 물어 보세요.If you really don't know, ask me.
어제는 많이 걸었어요.I walked a lot yesterday.
저한테 묻지 마세요. Don't ask me.

However '닫다' to close, '받다' to receive and '믿다' to believe are not irregular verbs.
문을 닫아 주세요.Please close the door.
어제 친구한테서 편지를 받았어요.I received a letter from my friend.

Learn how to read in Korean here. 

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