Sunday, October 29, 2017

Kpop Idols and Fandom’s Guide To Handle The Haters.

Kpop haters’ problem? Don’t worry. As long as we live in this world, we will always be entertained by both lovers and haters. Someone is paying attention at you or your Kpop idol for two reasons only. Number one is because they love your idol and the second one is they are looking for any small mistake to start the hate attack. Mostly the haters do the hate attack for fun. They will be more joyful if one of their attacks is getting into your attention. You know what, this is how to handle the haters if you are the Kpop Idol or the fandom.
Who Are The Haters?
Obviously they’re none other than a human being who chooses to hate other people. The haters are people who hate you or someone else for no reason or specific reason. Please wakeup because in our world right now haters and lovers are exists side by side. This world will never be empty of lovers as well as haters. So, it is important for you to know how to handle the haters.
8 Reasons Haters Are Not Worth Of Your Time
1. This is their way to convey how jealous they are of your success. They can’t stand how you get lots of love from the fandom and people around you.
2. They want to express negativity towards you because they want to have the accomplishment that you and your Idol are having.
3. They are so unhappy to see how popular you’ve become.
4. They never give up spreading hate and negativity until they get a feedback from you.
5. Like a bully, haters love to see you cry or angry.
6. They want your attention just like you give attention to your Kpop Idol or Fandom.
7. By giving a bad image to you and your fandom, their favorite Kpop Idols and Fandom can be on top.
8. They want to ruin your day and literally happy when it happens.
Handle Them Like This Guys
It’s not worth it to pay attention to the haters. If you think about the little haters, you are making it a big deal in your life. That is just what they want. So stop giving them what they want and handle the haters like this instead.
Guide For Idol:
1. See them as the worthless human being. Haters are not valuable because whatever they’re saying to you, it’s just not a positive feedback neither constructive advice/criticism that you need.
2. Choose to be with your lover not the hater.  Ignore the haters once and for all because their target is nothing but to make your day a disaster. So just pay attention to your fandom who loves you and brightens your day.
3. Avoid talking about the haters especially in your social media because your followers are not only the fans but also a bunch of haters.
4. Do not read gossips from the haters and then give your feedback on the spot. Please be wiser of your action because talking about it just dragging the story longer and make the haters happier.
5. Tell your manager about it if it’s involving threats. Legal action will be needed if they are threatening your safety, harming your family, trespassing your property, and financially harmful.
6. Focus to your work and meet your fans often. Maintain the continuous relationship and sweet dynamic between you and the fans.
7.  You are becoming a singer or Kpop Idol for a reason. Believe in yourself and don’t let anyone especially the haters ruining your confidence.
8. Haters could be your motivators to work harder but do not make any contact with them even in the social media. Learn to discern whose comment is matter and not for your career.
9. Feel sorry for the haters because they are choosing the wrong path of life and pray for them to found happiness in the right way again. Killing them with kindness is the best and no verbal connection required.
10. Accept the fact that Kpop Idol or not, haters will always come and go in our life so do not take it as a big deal. Your image won’t be tarnished even a little bit if you ignore the unnecessary haters in your entire career. Remember, the higher you are in Kpop popularity, your chance to be the haters target is bigger too.
Guide For Fans:
1. Do not give any direct feedback to the haters. Instead, you should show your support to your Idol only and deny the haters hate by posting positive/encouraging comments in social media. Fanwar is so not needed to show how supportive you’re to your idol. It’s just giving Kpop a bad image to the competitive music world.
2. Contacting your Idol’s company publicly to take immediate action of the haters is not a wise decision. The haters are celebrating their victory while you are on it. The best way to silence them is to ignore the haters once and for all to tell them that their comments are worthless.
3. Once you see a hater spreading abusive comments in social media, report their account immediately. Their account will be closed down ASAP because of your complain isn’t groundless.
4. Do not fight fire with fire. Do not retweet, reshare, or giving any feedback to the hater’s posts in social media. Ignore and report.
5. If a hater is targeting you and reaches you in social media, as long as no physical threat is involve, the hater is harmless. Once again, ignore and report.
6. If a hater hates you for being so lucky because you’ve met your Idol, your CD is arrived, or you’ve been at your dream concert, please look on how you share such information again. Your over-jubilant post might provoke them to hate you because they’re not as lucky as you are. So be careful and stay humble with all that blessing.
7. If a hater posting a rumor about your Idol is dating to ruin your day, just ignore it. Even if the rumor is true, so why not? Your Idol is a human being too and sooner or later they will meet their soul mate. Please keep this in mind, a Kpop Idol can live without a girlfriend or wife, but he can’t live without his fans. Now, who is more important here? So be happy guys.
8. The best way to silence the haters is by doing more of what they already hate of your idol. If they hate of how supportive you are to your idol, support your idol more. If they hate because your idol is the best singer of all, brag more about your idol. But make sure that you’re not directly mentioning the name of the hater. This way will make the hater see that no matter how much they hate, it will not make any changes to you and your idol.
9. If there is a hater that really crossing the line by giving a hateful comment such as “I hope that you get cancer and die.” do not reply to this particular person on the spot. Instead, make a pact with your fandom to pray for this type of hater and wish him to live longer so he can expiates his wrong doings. This hater is so deviated and needs help.
10. In the end, the hater does not hate anything about you and your idol at all. They are so disappointed of themselves because they are ordinary, unloved, unsuccessful, and lack of attention. They’re seeking pleasure by hurting happy people like us even they know it is not a right thing to do. Only special people with skills can approach this kind of hater and make them to be a part of the fandom. Spread love not hate is always better right?

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