It is heartbreaking to see Onew standing on that stage. He does everything he could to keep his brothers together and make the environment cheerful for everyone.
During their fanmeeting performance, Onew sang a lot of JongHyun’s part. He is officially in charge of it because no one is capable to reach high note beautifully as he did. He assured the Shawols that he will make sure all five of them live happily. He never forgets how supportive and loyal the Shawols are. He was so thankful for that.
Let’s do the same thing for Onew. He tried his best to keep us happy. We have at least 10 things that we can do to make him happy too.
1) Visit his Instagram and Twitter account
We don’t know if Onew changed and forgotten his password. It’s been a while he didn’t update his SNS. But, we have Key eomma to convey our comments and messages for him. Let’s visit Onew’s SNS and leave a lot of sweet message for him everyday. Tag Key’s account too. Key will tells everything to Onew like,’Your MVPs are dearly love you and commenting on your Instagram everyday,’ Sure Onew will smile immediately after that.
2) SHINee Selca Day
On SHINee selca day, don’t forget to take a selca and combined your picture with Onew. Tag him when you post it on your SNS. Rumors spread fast. When Shawols say ‘Shawols choose Onew as their selca day partner’ it shows that Onew is our beloved leader now and forever. This is our way to warn all antis that they can eat their words because Onew always gain new fans and loves.
3) Support His MV
Even Onew is not officially has a solo album, but he is one of the most wanted idol for duet. Let’s watch his MV especially Lullaby and Play The Field. Even Onew doesn’t ask 100M views, just do it for him because we want him to be happy once he sees it. We want to let him know that we are here for him as always.
4) Spread SHINee Is Five
He said 5 of us during SHINee recent fan meeting. Our Onew will never see SHINee less than that because SHINee is starting with five and always will be five. We know some antis trying to make him sad by saying cruel words that you know. As fans who always saying the truth, let’s repeatedly tell the world that our SHINee is Five. Up to the antis if they want to run their invincible mouth as a coward forever. Onew will never be affected by their words because he and his fans always saying SHINee is five.
5) Onew SangTae
He is a naturally funny baby. He doesn’t realize most of the sangtae that happened to him. If you have a video editor, you can edit Onew sangtae and upload it on your SNS. Tag him and say his sangtae is so cute. He might be embarrassed when he sees that but we are telling him that we are happy to see this special side of him. He will be happy coz we love him for who he is too.
6) Sing His Favorite Song
He always tells us which one is his favorite song in each album. For example Replay is his forever number 1 song, Quasimodo is his favorite song in Lucifer album, and don’t let me go is his favorite song in 1of1. Let’s sing his favorite song and show it to him. Once again, through SNS. We have Key eomma right.
7) Airport Meeting
Our SHINee is scheduled to have SMTown concert tour and they will have a fan meeting in Japan too. Shawols can meet and welcome them at the airport. Bring along some sweets or his favorite foods. Pack it nicely and give it to them or any SM Staffs that you can find. Tell him that he needs to keep on eating delicious food and be healthy. He will be smiling from ear to ear once he gets your delicious gift pack.
8) Fansign Event
Let’s do this in every fansign event. Before you give the album or magazine that you want Onew to put his autograph on, write something like this:
*I buy this because of Onew
*I love Onew’s bunny smile!
*I will buy fried chicken for Onew if he signed this!
Girl, he will automatically happy after reading that. Guarantee.
9) Onew Worldwide
I never have seen anything like this yet in Facebook or Instagram. How about you organize one fan account for Onew that can be participated by all MVPs from all around the world? There you can share anything about Onew and update eachother about his activities. It will hit millions for sure. Plus, you can meet a lot of friends too. You also can alert your friends if you find a suspicious anti’s account that spreading fake rumors about Onew.

10) JongYu And 5HINee
Please use 5HINee more often. We are telling Onew that we are with him to campaign SHINee Is Five. We will get through thick and thin together as an Idol and fandom. He doesn’t need to worry about a thing. Let’s post a lot about JongYu too. Shawols can be their own entertainment media. We know more about SHINee than any entertainment websites out there. Let’s tell Onew that we still remember this JongYu moment. He must be very happy coz we help him to keep the memory alive.
Do you have your own opinion? Please share it. It’s time to do something for Onew.
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