To all Flamers out there, still wondering what type of boy is MinHo? If you ask a senior Shawol, he is a great guy and we have a lot of proof for that. In a Fandom world, it’s not a funny thing when an anti instigated and spreading bad rumors about someone who you care. It feels exactly like when you heard someone is back talking about your own family or besties. For those who in the fandom less than a year, this is what you should know about MinHo.
His Biodata.
Full Name: Choi MinHo
Birth date: Dec,9th,1991
Blood type: B
Height: 181cm
From: Incheon, South Korea
How come someone skinny like MinHo can get those 2 men down?
He Loves Sports And Spends Time With His Brothers
His life is all about sports and art. He likes soccer so much and he did say that he wanted to be a soccer player. But his dad who is also a soccer coach doesn’t allow him. His dad has personal reasons to that but we can guess why. Have you seen MinHo if he plays sport? He will run here and there and crash anyone who gets in his way. He plays it dangerously because he wants to win, win, and win.
As a dad, he saw the potential in MinHo as an athlete, but he doesn’t want his son to risk his health because once you become an athlete, you can't avoid from getting hurt or other sports-related illnesses. Even MinHo is not an official athlete, Shawols saw a lot of incidents happened to him when he involved in a game show on TV.
He even gets hospitalized and not able to dance on stage in order to recover from his injuries. Our papa Choi only allowed him to play sports once in a while as a hobby only.
He also loves to play video games. His best mates to play with are none other than his SHINee brothers. He said in My Last 48 Hours show that he will spend time with his brothers when he has no schedule as much as he can. He will sit down with them every morning and chat first before he go to work. Most of the time they will just chat, play video games, and eat together at home.
When MinHo plays video games, he is obviously winning every time but if he is losing; he will remember it for the rest of his life. Key told everyone about it in Happy Together show and it's true, you can see it by just looking at Minho's face. It’s not because he loves to win every time. He is just a guy who feels weird if he didn’t accomplish well as expected after he did something wholeheartedly.
A Man With Targets To Achieve
MinHo knows his capabilities. He will not pursue acting, modeling, singing, and dancing if he has no confidence in himself. He only do something that he thinks he will deliver the best. That is our MinHo.
He Doesn’t Want To Be Separated From His Brothers.
MinHo has his own siblings but he also looking at SHINee as his own brothers. He told the fans in their SHINee Day show about 8 years ago that he loves SHINee so much. SHINee is a part of the family that he can’t live without.
And guess what, he repeats that again during the interview in My Last 48 Hours show. He is so thankful that he can work and meet his second family at the same time. SHINee is his beautiful blessing of all time because he gained 4 brothers.
Did He Has A Girlfriend?
Back then Shawol really doesn’t want any SHINee members to have a girlfriend. We don’t care about rumors so much but if the confession is from SHINee, that was like the end of us. But that was a long time ago, when all Shawols are young, studying in high school, and so sensitive in this particular topic. His biggest GF rumor is SNSD Yuri but MinHo or YuRi never responds to it. Now, we feel like, isn’t it good if MinHo has a girlfriend? We don’t know what the pro is if he has a girlfriend or what a girlfriend can contribute to his busy celebrity life but why not.
His mom also wants him to come home and introduce a girl to her like, “Mom, this is my girlfriend” like that. His mom said MinHo has no fun, so if he has a girlfriend, it’s like a fun addition to his life. I really don’t understand any fun part that his mom was saying but I agree if MinHo wants to have a girlfriend when he is ready. So far, he has no girlfriend even he likes to show interest to any girls that he met or work with. We saw him liking his Oh My School Gyuri noona, asking to date Ehwa University Shawol student during their School Attack show, and he even likes to pull one of Red Velvette’s member’s hair. I’m not sure if she is Yeri or Irene but I saw several videos he did that.
MinHo And Taemin (2Min)
These two boys are the maknae lines in SHINee. A lot of Shawols confused and thought MinHo is ’93 liners as Taemin coz he looks so young. Both of them are like twins coz they always do things together. MinHo did nag if TaeMin didn’t accompany him even for cleaning the house together. That’s why Shawol always tease him if Taemin hangout with Kai or other SHINee members instead because we expect him to be jealous.
We love MinHo’s expression when TaeMin involved in We Got Married Show. MinHo was almost slamming him hard to the wall and teased him with his ‘Eww..Taemin is married now’ teasing kind of face. Maybe that’s why TaeMin immediately saying he is ‘single again’ in Key’s We Got Married program because he doesn’t want to see that kind of face again from MinHo.
Maybe our 2Min as best friends made a promise to each other such as;
-If I don’t have an Instagram, so you also don’t need an Instagram.
-If I don’t have an Instagram, so you also don’t need an Instagram.
-Let’s get a girlfriend in the future and married on the same date.
-Let’s do everything together and build a house next to each other one day.
It’s not impossible.
MinHo and Key (MinKey)
These two boys were not seeing eye to eye at all during their trainee days. They only become best friends after they debut as SHINee. Key said he and MinHo were awkward in the first year as SHINee members. After getting to know each other because of work, MinKey become best buddies. If Key is the number one fashionista in SHINee, MinHo is the second one because MinHo sense of fashion is quite similar to Key but more Princely and he chooses natural color than bright color as Key did.
MinHo and Key are like long lost brothers because they love to quarrel over small things. Key doesn’t like the fact that MinHo is the handsome member of the group and he seems to be the fifth one. MinHo never mention that Key is the fifth one buy Key noticed that MinHo’a face always saying the truth. Maybe at home MinHo always joking like this to Key, “Key, you are the Diva but still I’m the most handsome” just for the fun of it.

MinHo and JongHyun (JongHo)
For some reasons, it seems like Jonghyun and Minho shared a lot of secrets together. MinHo always appears on JongHyun personal schedules such as concert and radio show by himself. They adore each other because there is something that JongHyun has but MinHo doesn’t and vice versa.
MinHo is a person who kept his promises. Jonghyun was surprise that MinHo suddenly came to his Blue Night radio show. MinHo did call JongHyun and say he will be there but at that time he sounds a little bit drunk to JongHyun. His visit was so meaningful to JongHyun because it was his last day on the show. MinHo understands that JongHyun loves his radio show so much but due to SHINee hectic schedule, he needs to leave the show or he will not get enough rest and work 24hours a day between Korea and Japan.
MinHo knows JongHyun has been working so hard. In order to achieve something, JongHyun did a lot of sacrifices. JongHyun told us he did recording almost every day. There is no doubt that MinHo spends his spare time with JongHyun in the studio. If you notice, MinHo treats JongHyun softer than Onew. MinHo is less yelling and becoming softer when around JongHyun. Their bond is special, a sign that they shared a lot of secrets together.
MinHo and Onew (OnHo)
Onew is MinHo’s brother. Onew is like Minho's real brother than a friend. Even there are sometimes that MinHo seems rebellious or bullying Onew, but actually, he just enjoy the feeling of being a little brother to someone like his beloved leader.
Onew never gets angry, so someone playful like MinHo, he loves to tease Onew just for the fun of it. MinHo still loves his brother Onew so much. During his show in My Last 48 hours, he requested a song from Onew. In real life, have you seen a 20plus years old boy asking his 20plus years old brother to sing him a song? If there is, the older brother maybe say ‘Heck no!’. Onew did sing him a song and it is a song from MinHo’s drama To The Beautiful You.
MinHo said he likes Onew so much and his expression was like “Onew hyung, I know I’m a naughty brother but hyung still love me so much.. Thank you hyung..” During Onew absence, MinHo did say ‘Everything will be okay’ to Shawols in 5HINee 5ive concert. How can he know what’s going on in the fandom even he doesn’t have any social media? That’s why you shouldn’t underestimate MinHo. He has his own way to find out and update himself about what’s going on.

He is someone who using other people’s account to update the fandom about what he is currently doing and of course he has ‘informer’ to tell him about the latest issue in the fandom. When he knows everyone is worried about Onew and a lot of rumors speculating in the social media, he was the first one who steps up for his Onew hyung and says ‘Everything will be okay’.
Why MinHo’s Fans Called The Flamers?
Because he is the Flaming Charisma MinHo. In SHINee’s SHINee World song, after his famous dibidibidis line, the lyric is introducing him like this, ‘Flaming Charisma MinHo, My name is MinHo’. Shawols love it so if MinHo is Flaming Charisma, his fans will be the Flamer. MinHo knows that too and during SHINee collaboration with Skechers, he designed his own cap and Tshirt with flames illustration. While the other members, Onew drew a smiling with heart Dubu (tofu), JongHyun drew Bling-bling stars, Key drew himself, and TaeMin put his birth date.
So Shawols, this is our MinHo in my opinion. He is a great person and SHINee is so meaningful to him. SHINee is his family. If you happen to hear or read somebody is saying something opposite, that is one clear anti.
Who doesn't~ We love him too~