Friday, April 28, 2017

The ending '-ㅂ/습니다'

The ending '-ㅂ/습니다'
People use this formal polite speech style when they speak to strangers, casual acquaintances, superiors, their elders, and social inferiors in formal situations.

1.1 The formation of present tense
The declarative verb form is made by attaching '-ㅂ/습니다' to the verb stem and '-ㅂ/습니까?' must be attached to the verb stem to make the interrogative verb form. '-ㅂ니다/-ㅂ니까?' is used after verb stems (or the honorific infix -시-) ending in a vowel and '습니다/습니까?' after verb stems ending in a consonant.
가다: 가 + ㅂ니다/ㅂ니다 갑니다/갑니까?
묻다: 묻 + 습니다/ 묻습니다/ 묻습니까?

감사합니다: Thank you
기분이 좋습니다: I feel good

Learn About Korean Alphabet here: Korean Alphabet

1.2 The formation of past tense
The declarative form is formed by attaching '-았(었/였)습니다' to the verb stem and the interrogative form is made by adding '-았(었/였)습니까? to the verb stem. The declarative form is made the same way as the past tense of the informal polite speech style. '습니다/습니까?' is attached to '-았/었/였' instead of '-어요'.
만나다: 만나 + 았습니다/았습니까? 만났습니다/만났습니까? (contraction)
주다: 주 + 었습니다/었습니까? 주었습니다/주었습니까? 줬습니다/줬습니까? (contraction)
하다: 하 + 였습니다/였습니까? 했습니다/했습니까? (contraction)
어제 음악회가 좋았습니다. The music concert was good yesterday
수업이 언제 끝났습니까? When did the class end?
어제 피곤했습니다. I was tired yesterday.
Learn About Korean Alphabet here: Korean Alphabet

1.3 The formation of future tense
The declarative form is formed by attaching '(으)ㄹ 겁니다' to the verb stem and the interrogative form is made by adding '(으)ㄹ 겁니까?' to the verb stem.
보다: 보 + ㄹ 겁니다 볼 겁니다.
먹다 :먹 + 을 겁니다 먹을 겁니다
저는 내일 일찍 일어날 겁니다. I will wake up early tomorrow.
그냥 두세요. 괜찮을 겁니다. Just leave it. It will be O.K.

1.4 The formation of the imperative form
The imperative verb form is made by attaching '-(으)십시오' to the verb stem. '-십시오' is used after verb stems ending in a vowel and '으십시오' after verb stems ending in a consonant
오다 : 오 + 십시오 오십시오.
입다 : 입 + 으십시오. 입으십시오.
어서 오십시오. Come on in.
다음 장을 읽으십시오. Read the next chapter.
Learn how to read in Korean here. 

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