Friday, April 28, 2017

Grammar: The pattern '-고 싶다' : would like to (do)/want to (do)

The pattern ‘-고 싶다’ is used to indicate the desire of the subject and is used with action verbs and ‘있다.’ This pattern ‘-고 싶다’ is used with first person statements and second person questions. Here are some examples:

사과를 사고 싶어요.
(I) would like to buy an apple.

커피를 마시고 싶어요.
(I) would like to drink a cup of coffee.
한국에 가고 싶어요.
(I) would like to go to Korea.
안나씨를 만나고 싶어요?
Would (you) like to see Anna?
어디에 가고 싶으세요?
Where would (you) like to go?

Tense and negation are expressed in the verb '싶다'.
피자를 먹고 싶어요.
(I) wanted to eat pizza.

피자를먹고 싶지 않아요.
(I) don't want to eat pizza.

Learn how to read in Korean here. 

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