Monday, June 12, 2017

EXO Is Back! Lets Rewind..!

SMTown had announced that the boys are back (read here for SMTown announcement). I believed that EXO is busy with their studio recording and choreography at the moment. At the same time they are preparing for SM Town concert. Can't wait for their comeback in several months, so right now, why not we rewind some of their best hits.

With no particular order, this is my personal favorite songs from EXO. From their 1st mini album, until now. Enjoy my selection guys.
2) What Is Love
3) Machine
4) Growl
5) Let Out The Beast
6) Black Pearl
7) Peter Pan
8) Overdose
9) Moonlight
10) Lucky
11) Love Me Right

Dancing and Singing
Based on the album, main vocalist and base/background singer always have been Chen, D.O, and Baekhyun. The rapper are Chanyeol and Kai. Xiumin has a pretty great voice too. So far, all of them have their own part of singing.

When it goes to dance, all of them are dancing very well, but the outstanding dancer of all is Kai. No wonder, because Kai's bestfriend is TaeMin from SHINee. I believed they have been practicing together to improve their dancing skills.

What is the best variety show of them?
Have you ever watched them in Running Man and Showtime? If you don't, I recommend you to watch it. We only can see their true-self in variety show. In EXO showtime and Running Man, maybe you'll be quit emotional because Kris, Luhan, and Tao were still there. I heard they've been doing individually great in China. Lets wish all the best for them and for EXO.

My Bias in EXO is D.O
I will give you 10 reason why I like D.O from EXO:
1) He is the best vocal in EXO. My hobby is singing, so I appreciate people who has singing talent and great voice.
2) He is the cutest in EXO. Some girls love handsome and manly boys, but I don't know what is wrong with me, I like cute boys to look at.
3) He likes White, Grey and Black. Now you can guess what are my favorite color too.
4) He is the most diligent member in EXO. He always go to drama/movie audition as ordered. Now he is the actor aside from singer.
5) He always trying his best in acting. He is not a polish or perfect actor yet, but he always trying to do something new. Love that spirit!
6) He is neat and tidy inside and outside of the house. He can't stand messy room. (Great!)
7) He always think positively and looking forward to the future. Before he wants to do something, he will think what gonna happen in the future if he do so.
8) I like his friendship with Kai. The fans called them KaiSoo couple. Best vocal met best dancer, that's perfect!
9) He doesn't scare of ghost. Good job D.O! Ghost is nothing but spirit that has unfinished business. So, why we need to be scared when we see one.
10. When I listen to EXO album, it is like D.O team to me, because most of the songs are including his voice in the first place. Thank you SM Town.

Hopefully their comeback is another big hit in Kpop music industry. Please work well and rest well. SM Town, after all promotion and concerts, please give them 1 week paid vacation alright?


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