Friday, April 28, 2017

The marker '-에' : per,for,by,at,in

'-에' indicates static location. This marker '-에' is used to indicate the time that something takes place and proportion.

저는 안나씨를 한 시에 만나요.
I meet Anna at 1 o'clock.

저는 월요일에 등산을 가요.
I go climbing on Monday.

그 책을 1,000원에 샀어요.
I bought that book for 1,000won.

이 사과 한 개에 얼마예요?
How much is this apple for one?

Learn more about Korean alphabet here: Korean Alphabet
Interrogatives With Numbers
How much

몇 시
What time

몇 개
How many

What day

몇 가지
How many kinds

이거 얼마예요?
How much for this?

지금 몇 시예요?
What time is it now?

몇 개 드릴까요?
How many do you want?

오늘 며칠이에요?
What day is today?

몇 가지 색이 있어요?
How many colors are there?

Learn how to read in Korean here. 

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